Trunk Based Development

This repository follows the trunk based development approach. In general:

  • Every feature and fix gets its own new branch of the main branch.

  • Branches get rebased frequently.

  • Branches have a short lifespan.

The goal is to ensure minimal divergence between development streams and to avoid large and error-prone merge actions.

Branches get merged back into the main branch using fast-forward merges. Fast-forward merges:

  • ensure a clean, linear and understandable history of the repository

  • remove the risk of introducing a bug due to an incorrect merge

1. Steps to merge a branch back into the main branch

Before the merge:

  1. Rebase the branch.

  2. Ensure the branch builds successfully.

When merging:

  • Squash the commits on the branch into a single commit with a commit message that adheres to the conventional commits.